Netflix’s “Family Secrets” or “Gry Rodzinne” is a Polish comedy-drama Tv series that revolves around the marriage of a medical student to an established plastic surgeon. During the young couple’s big day, their families discover that the only things they have in common are the lies and secrets they’ve been keeping. As all these hidden facts come out during the wedding ceremony, the event becomes disastrous.
A Stormy Wedding includes several comedic elements to prevent the narrative from becoming too dark and to keep viewers engaged with the series. The Polish show features impressive performances from talented actors such as Pawel Delag, Eliza Rycembel, Bartosz Gelner, and Małgorzata Mikołajczak. In addition to the unique story, the audience will also be captivated by the various locations that appear in the Family Secrets comedy series.
Where Was Family Secrets Series Filmed?
“Family Secrets” is filmed exclusively in Poland, reportedly in Warsaw. Principal photography for the first iteration of the Netflix series has apparently taken place in the summer of 2021. Since the story takes place in Poland, it makes sense why the crew is sticking to the Central European country for the drama series.
Officially known as the Republic of Poland, it is known as a developed market and middle power. In addition to providing its citizens with a high standard of living, Poland ensures security, economic freedom, free university education, and a universal health care system. Now let’s take a look at all the specific locations used to film the Family Secrets Polish series!
Most of the key sequences for ‘Family Secrets’ ostensibly take place in and around Warsaw, Poland’s capital and largest city. As it turns out, the cast and crew travel around the city to shoot various interior and exterior scenes with suitable backdrops. Located on the Vistula River in east-central Poland, Warsaw is considered a global Alpha City and a major economic, political and cultural center.
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Although Warsaw is a newer city compared to other European capitals, it has many architectural monuments and tourist attractions that date back centuries. Some famous monuments or places of interest are the Royal Castle, Old Town Square, Sigismund’s Column, Okopowa Street Jewish Cemetery, and Warsaw Citadel.
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In addition to tourists, a number of filmmakers also visit the city with their projects. Over the years, Warsaw has hosted the production of various films and TV series, including ‘365 Days: This Day’, ‘The Pianist’, ‘Sexify’, ‘Three Colors: White, and ‘Inland Empire.