Netflix’s “Ludik” is a crime drama series created by Paul Buys and Annemarie van Basten that follows Daan Ludik. Through his determination and sheer perseverance, he built his own kingdom of furniture business, Ludik Furniture & Carpets. Ludík is such a big deal that he is the face of his business and can be heard and seen in the media.
However, his furniture business is just a cover for what he really does – diamond smuggling. When this secret is revealed to the mafia and one of his family members is kidnapped, he must use his diamond smuggling operation to smuggle weapons into the country.
With so much at stake, Ludik finds himself in a vulnerable position, relying on allies old and new to see him through these difficult situations. The narrative is packed with action-packed sequences and suspenseful elements that will keep the audience on the edge of their seats throughout each episode. Additionally, there are some interesting and contrasting uses of locations in the series.
Where Was Ludik Series Filmed?
“Ludik” was shot entirely in South Africa, mainly in Pretoria and Johannesburg. Principal photography for the inaugural iteration of Arnold Vosloo’s title role seemingly began in October 2021 and wrapped up in about a month, in November of that year.
South Africa, the southernmost country in Africa, is considered a middle power in international affairs. In addition, its diverse geographical location makes it an ideal filming location for various productions. Now let’s take a look at all the specific locations that appear in the Netflix series Ludik!
South Africa
Several key sequences for “Ludik” take place in Pretoria, one of the three capital cities of South Africa. Located between the Highveld plateau in the south and the lower Bushveld in the north, Pretoria is also known as the Jacaranda City due to the presence of thousands of jacaranda trees along its streets, parks, and gardens that you can have. also see in the series.
In addition to ‘Ludik’, the capital served as a pivotal filming location for many other productions, such as ‘Stander’, ‘Silverton Siege’, ‘Justice Served’ and ‘Freedom’.
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The production team of ‘Ludika’ will also be camping in Johannesburg, known as the city of gold, for the purpose of the shoot. From the looks of it, the cast and crew are said to be traveling around the city to shoot various sequences against suitable backdrops.
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Located in the Eastern Highveld, Johannesburg is home to many specialist museums, including the Johannesburg Art Gallery, the Apartheid Museum, the Bernberg Fashion Museum, and the South African National Museum of Military History. In addition, the city has appeared in several movies and TV shows such as “Dredd”, “District 9” and “Queen Sono”.
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