Hallmark’s “Game, Set, Love,” directed by Jessica Harmon, is a romantic sports film that follows retired tennis player Taylor Morrison. She reluctantly agrees to coach her friend William Campbell for an upcoming mixed doubles tournament. However, the tennis pro soon realizes that training the “bad boy of tennis” may be much more difficult than she imagined. Talyor and William’s contrasting personalities often clash, but they soon form an unshakable bond.
With its phenomenally talented cast, the film garnered praise from several viewers for its entertaining story. Many admirers also can’t help but gush over the sets used in the film to help set the mood for various scenes. Naturally, people are wondering where the Hallmark romance went. Now, know about Game, Set, Love movie filming locations.
Where Was Game, Set, Love Movie Filmed?
“Game, Set, Love” was primarily filmed in British Columbia, specifically Vancouver. Principal photography on the film took place in June 2022 with cinematographer Sean Cox on board. Now let’s take a closer look at the details of the production sites.
British Columbia
“Game, Set, Love” was shot mostly in Vancouver, a bustling port city in the Lower Mainland region of British Columbia. The production process was quite enjoyable for the cast and crew of the film who were quite vocal about sharing their happiness on social media.
“I am so grateful for this experience and everyone I met and worked with,” wrote Davida Williams, who portrays Taylor Morrison, sharing her experience on social media. “Leaving with lots of new friends!!”
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Interestingly, Vancouver has a thriving tennis culture with 184 tennis courts within the city limits for the public to use. Some of the most famous courts in the area include the Stanley Park Tennis Courts at 8901 Stanley Park Drive.
Granville Park Public Tennis Courts and Heather Park Public Tennis Courts are other favorites among tennis enthusiasts in Vancouver. The production team of the Hallmark movie probably used one of these tennis locations in the city as a backdrop for the tennis court scenes.
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Another major reason for using Vancouver to shoot a movie could be the state-of-the-art production facilities available in the city. The city’s popularity as a filming location led to it being nicknamed Hollywood North. From the subtle skyline to the variety of backdrops, Vancouver allows filmmakers to record scenes set in another part of the world.
Over the years, the metropolis has hosted the production of several Hallmark movies, including ‘Dating the Delaneys and ‘The Journey Ahead’.
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