‘High Heat‘ is a Mexican drama series mainly set in a fire station where dedicated men and women do what they can to save others. The story follows Poncho, a man who tries to get to the bottom of his brother’s murder and bring the culprit to justice.
As he gets deeper into the case, he goes undercover and joins the fire station as a firefighter. When Olivia, the only employee at the fire station, discovers Poncho’s true intentions, she joins him in his search for the truth.
Meanwhile, Ricardo Urzúa, a convict accused of allegedly murdering several women, is ending his prison sentence and wants to become head of the guard in search of his lost child. In addition to the suspenseful narrative, it keeps viewers guessing as to the use of some interesting locations throughout the series, including the firehouse set. Now, know about High Heat filming locations.
Where Was High Heat (Donde Hubo Fuego) Series Filmed?
“High Heat” is being filmed in Mexico, specifically in and around Mexico City. Principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the Mexican series began in August 2021 and seemingly wrapped in November of that year.
Since the story takes place in Mexico, it makes sense for the film crew to use locations in the United States of Mexico. Located in the southern part of North America, Mexico is home to a variety of bodies of water, including the Lerma River, Lake Chapala, the Santiago River, and the Pánuc River.
All of the pivotal sequences for “High Heat” are interspersed throughout Mexico City, Mexico’s capital and largest city, as well as North America’s most populous city. The production team reportedly went to various locations in the city to shoot scenes for Season 1 in suitable backdrops. Specifically, it looks like they camped out in one of the woods to film the scene where Poncho’s brother is found dead in the debut season.
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Located in the Valley of Mexico on a high central plateau, Mexico City is considered one of the most important cultural and financial centers in the entire world. Due to its historical importance, popular food, and several attractions, CDMX is visited by many foreign tourists year-round.
Some of the notable museums you can visit in the capital city are Museo Tamayo, Museo de Arte Moderno, Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo and Museo Soumaya.
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Over the years, Mexico City has served as a prominent filming location for various kinds of movies and TV shows, such as “Control Z.” “Alex Rider,” “Spectre,” “Man on Fire,” and “Total Recall,”
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