The Journey Ahead is a Hallmark road trip film that revolves around Madeline, a famous actress and wilderness expert named Sarah. When her plan to travel to New York from Los Angeles goes awry, the former enlists the help of her assistant’s best friend Sarah to get to the Big Apple within 12 days. As the two women of two different generations embark on a journey across the landscape, they learn valuable lessons from each other.
The film tells a heartwarming story about how people can learn from each other despite their differences and overcome their problems. In addition to the talented cast, The Journey Ahead will captivate viewers with its eye-catching visuals. Given the premise of the film, it introduces the audience to various backdrops that help convey the story accurately. Now, if you’re wondering where the Hallmark The Journey Ahead movie was filmed.
Where Was The Journey Ahead Movie Filmed?
The Journey Ahead was primarily shot in British Columbia, mainly in and around Vancouver, Squamish. Principal photography on the film began under the title “The Road Ahead” in April 2022 and ended in early May of the same year. So let’s dive in and learn more about the details of The Journey Ahead filming locations.
British Columbia
Squamish, a city north of Vancouver, served as one of the main production locations for ‘The Journey Ahead.’ The cast and crew used the Paradise Valley playground, just minutes northeast of the city, to film the river rafting scene. Additionally, they seemingly performed numerous sequences at the Brackendale Art Gallery on Government Road, as well as The Goat bar and the Squamish Farmer’s Market on Cleveland Avenue.
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Squamish is very popular with tourists for its outdoor sports facilities and is full of natural refuges that provide breathtaking visuals for filmmakers. Surrounded by coastal mountains, Squamish provides beautiful hilly backdrops that one can’t help but be in awe of.
Naturally, several movies and shows have been shot in the area to take advantage of the visual treasure that the region hides. Other movies filmed in Squamish include “Antlers” and “Final Destination”.
Vancouver, British Columbia also hosted The Journey Ahead production unit. Popularly known as Hollywood North, the city has been used as a backdrop for several movies over the years. Vancouver’s indescribable skyline and well-developed infrastructure are suitable for filming scenes depicting cities around the world.
Therefore, you can see the city in the background of several popular films, such as “Honorable Society” and “Thor: Love and Thunder”.
“The Journey Ahead” was also filmed in and around the village of Harrison Hot Springs in the province; it is named after Harrison Lake, which is located to the north of the community. The cast and crew of the film traveled to the village and the lake to frame scenes for the film.
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Other sequences were shot near Mount Baker in the Waputik Mountains, which is located on the British Columbia-Alberta border. Finally, key sections were apparently recorded near Vancouver in Burnaby and West Vancouver, city and county municipalities, respectively.
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