“King of Stonks” is a German thriller drama series created by Philippe Kässbohrer, Jan Bonny, and Matthias Murmann that follows the life of a programmer named Felix Armand. With dreams of reaching the very top, he wants nothing less than to be the CEO of CableCash AG – the largest FinTech company in Europe that he helped build.
However, during the IPO, nothing goes according to Felix’s plans as everything blows up in his face – cheating investors, money laundering, and Internet pornography. While he takes care of it all behind the scenes, he lets his boss Magnus take center stage.
But when he can’t handle much anymore, Felix turns from an ordinary programmer into one of the biggest fraudsters. Meanwhile, he falls in love with someone he must stay away from at all costs, Sheila Williams. With such interesting themes, the series takes viewers on an exciting psychological journey.
Not to mention, against the backdrop of the elegant cityscape in several scenes, many viewers will be taken in by the places where they take place. If you are one such curious soul, allow us to give you a detailed description of the production locations used for the King of Stonks series!
Where Was King of Stonks Series Filmed?
“King of Stonks” is filmed entirely in Germany, specifically in Berlin and Cologne. Since the series is set in Berlin, it makes sense for the production team to choose the German capital as one of the filming locations.
Principal photography for the initial iteration of the series has seemingly taken place in late 2021, a little more than two months away. Now know about King of Stonks series filming locations.
Many key scenes for the gripping series are filmed in and around Berlin, Germany’s capital and largest city. In the program, you can see several aerial shots of the cityscape, of which the Berlin TV Tower (Fernsehturm Berlin) stands out. In addition to the exterior shots, the production team also appears to be lensing several important interior scenes in and around Berlin.
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The capital consists of three World Heritage sites — Museum Island, the palaces and parks of Potsdam and Berlin, and the Berlin Moderne estate. In addition, Berlin is home to several museums and galleries such as the Bode Museum, the German Historical Museum, the National Historical Museum, and the Humboldt Forum.
The cast and crew of “King of Stonks” even seem to have set up camp across from Cologne (Cologne), the largest city in the West German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The Bilderstöckchen suburb of Cologne ostensibly served as a pivotal filming location for the first season of the German show. In addition, the production team reportedly shot several crucial scenes in Chorweiler, Cologne’s sixth district.
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Several landmarks in Cologne are popular among the millions of travelers who visit the city each year, such as Cologne Cathedral, Cologne Town Hall, Severinstorburg, the Romano-Germanic Museum, and twelve Romanesque churches. Due to its vast and diverse landscape, the city of Cologne is visited by many filmmakers; movies and TV shows like ‘Amélie’, ‘The Reader’, ‘Annette’ and ‘Unbroken’ are filmed in this beautiful city.
In addition to the above, some parts of ‘King of Stokes’ were reportedly filmed in Düsseldorf, the capital of North Rhine-Westphalia, known for its fashion and finance. It is bisected by the Rhine River and features beautiful 13th-century architecture, especially in the old part of town called the Altstadt.
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Düsseldorf is popular for hosting the Rhine Carnival, which attracts several visitors every spring. King of Stonks.
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