“Generation gap” segment on Jimmy Kimmel’s popular late-night show pitting the younger generation against the older, is a comedy game show produced by Jimmy Kimmel and Mark Burnett. The game show features family members of different generations who are paired in teams. They have to work together and answer pop culture questions from each other’s generations.
With the comedy quiz being hosted by none other than Kelly Ripa (“All My Children”), the show is all the funnier and funnier. With some interesting and relatable pop culture questions put to the contestants, you too will have the chance to test your knowledge along with them. However, while you are thinking about the answers to these questions, you may also be wondering about the production locations of the series.
Where Was Generation Gap Series Filmed?
“Generation Gap” is filmed entirely in California, specifically in Los Angeles. Principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the game show is believed to have begun around April 2022 and ended in May of that year. California is located in the western United States and is known as the most populous state in the country.
Home to the production facilities and offices of some major TV broadcast networks, including ABC, it’s no wonder why the ‘Generation Gap’ production team chose this US state to film the show.
Los Angeles
All key sequences for ‘Generation Gap’ take place in the Hollywood district of Los Angeles. Since the game show is filmed indoors, the production team seems to be camping in the soundstage of one of the major studios located in Hollywood. The name of the neighborhood, which is located in the central area of LA, is known as an acronym for the American film industry and all the people associated with it.
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It is home to a number of notable attractions, including CBS Columbia Square, Ovation Hollywood, the Hollywood Masonic Temple, the Hollywood Museum, and the Hollywood Walk of Fame, to name a few.
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Los Angeles is the capital city in Southern California and is popularly known as the City of Angels. With close ties to the Hollywood industry and a diverse landscape, LA is considered one of the most important production locations among many filmmakers. Over the years, the city has hosted various kinds of movies and TV shows; some of them are “The Lost City”, “Hocus Pocus”, “The Book of Boba Fett” “Star Wars”, and “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”.
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