“Boo, Bitch” is a comedy series that revolves around high school senior Erika Vu, who until now has been living under the radar, mainly due to being bullied and bullied throughout the school by Riley. But when her best friend Gia convinces her to go to a big high school party, Erika realizes it’s high time she let go of her shyness and try living.
When hungover friends Erika and Gia try to find the former’s lost necklace the next day, Erika’s life takes a shocking turn. When she wakes up the next morning, she finds that she has become a ghost. The comedic and fantastical storytelling is complemented by some hilarious performances from the talented cast.
These include Lana Condor (‘To All The Boys’ franchise), Zoe Colletti, Aparna Brielle, and Jami Alix. The interesting use of locations, including the high school and party scenes, will probably make you wonder about the actual production locations of “Boo Bitch.”
Where Was Boo, Bitch Series Filmed?
“Boo, Bitch” is filming in California and Ontario, specifically in Los Angeles County, Cobourg, and Toronto. Principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the comedy series is said to have begun in early September 2021 and wrapped up in early November of that year.
Now let’s follow the spooky trail Erika leaves behind and learn more about the specific locations featured in the Netflix Boo, Bitch series!
Los Angeles County
A significant part of the movie “Boo, Bitch” is filmed in Los Angeles County, the most populous county in California and also in the United States. The production team appears to be using locations in the city of Burbank at the southeast end of the San Fernando Valley to film some key sequences for the comedy series.
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Burbank is referred to as the media capital of the world as it is home to some of the production facilities of some major entertainment companies such as The Burbank Studios, Warner Bros. Entertainment, and The Walt Disney Company.
In addition, they apparently traveled across the county to shoot several scenes in suitable locations. Also known as LA County, it has hosted a large number of film projects over the years. Some of the notable movies and TV shows that have been filmed in county locations are ‘Interstellar’, ‘Inception’, ‘Two and a Half Men’ ‘Eternals’, and ‘The Mentalist’.
The cast and crew of “Boo, Bitch” even travel to Toronto and Cobourg to film some of the other parts of the comedy series. The former is the capital of Ontario, while the latter is a city in southern Ontario, just 95 km east of the capital.
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In addition to ‘Boo, Bitch’, the Canadian province has served as a prominent production location for several films and TV shows, including ‘It’, ‘Pixels’, ‘Nightmare Alley’, and ‘The Queen’s Gambit’.
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