‘Munich: The Edge of War’ is a thriller British drama directed by Christian Schwochow depicting a series of key events leading up to World War II. Based on Robert Harris’ anonymous novel, the story follows Hugh Legat, from Britain. a government official heading to Munich for an emergency conference. On the way to Munich, Hugh clashes with his classmate Paul von Hartman, a German politician who also attended the conference.
In the background, Adolf Hitler will invade Czechoslovakia, while British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and his government aim for peace. The conflicting interests of their tribes competed with Hugh and Paul, which resulted in important negotiations with high stakes involving danger. Set against the background of war and political systems, ‘Munich: The Edge of War’ offers a realistic account of the past.
Where Was Munich: The Edge of War Movie Filmed?
‘Munich: The Edge of War’ was recorded in authentic locations throughout England and Germany. The main filming started in October 2020 and ended in December 2020, and the movie’s working title was ‘Munich 38.’
As the story series was compiled in 1938, strict attention to detail was given to each set of sets. they looked as credible as government offices from those days. In addition, the actors and the team had to follow the strict rules of Covid-19, which included wearing a mask until the final training and maintaining the required distance.
Major scenes from ‘Munich: The Edge of War’ were filmed in Liverpool, a seaside town in the Merseyside region. Liverpool doubled as London in the movie, and the Royal Liver Building and the nearby Cunard Building were used to recording scenes depicting the Whitehall location in London. Sequences of many government offices and surrounding areas were recorded, and since the city streets were deserted because of the epidemic laws, they helped to paint a satisfying picture of the 1930s.
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Some scenes are recorded in the Exchange Flags building and the headquarters of Martins Bank. The time featured in the film is in late summer and early September. However, as actors and crews recorded late in the year, they had to cope with freezing temperatures. Liverpool is known for its culture and architecture and is an important transport hub. It is also home to the famous band The Beatles and is home to football clubs in Liverpool and Everton.
‘Munich: The Edge of War’ was filmed in part in Amersham, a beautiful city in the province of Buckinghamshire. Scenes showing the British Prime Minister’s home in Checkers, as well as houses on Downing Street, were filmed in historic houses in the city. In addition, the Downing Street garden was redeveloped in Amersham. The High and Over art deco house is a prominent place in the city that serves as an outstanding recording studio.
A few episodes of ‘Munich: The Edge of War’ were filmed in the Greater Manchester region. Scenes of Westminster Palace were filmed in Rochdale Town Hall, a historic Victorian-style municipal building once favored by Adolf Hitler himself. The British Government’s heavy bench from the time the film was produced was rebuilt using several supporting artists and visual effects.
A few scenes from ‘Munich: The Edge of War’ were filmed in the Munich area, the capital of Bavaria. The team of producers was filmed exclusively at Munich University of Music and Theater and Odeonsplatz, a historic market square between the Hofgarten garden and the Feldherrnhalle loggia. Pre-war Munich was slowly rebuilt to make use of vintage cars, Nazi symbols, and market stalls. Munich is a world center of arts, technology, automotive, finance, and culture, and the film ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ was filmed there.
‘Munich: The Edge of War’ was also recorded in Potsdam, the capital of Brandenburg. Located on the River Havel, Potsdam is over 1000 years old and is filled with beautiful lakes and palaces such as the Sanssouci Palace, the Cecilienhof Palace, and the Orangery Palace. The city also has Filmstudio Babelsberg, the world’s oldest film studio.
Some scenes from ‘Munich: The Edge of War’ were filmed in Berlin, the capital of the German state. The production team recorded in Friedrichshain district in the eastern part of the city. Berlin has many lakes such as Lake Müggelsee, as well as forests, parks, rivers, canals, and gardens.
The city has a rich political history and is currently an international center for science, media, culture, politics, and business. Major world landmarks in Berlin include Museum Island, the Reichstag building, and the Berlin War Memorial, to name a few. Other films shot in the city are ‘The Matrix Resurrections,’ ‘Spider-Man: Far from Home,’ and ‘Inglourious Basterds.’
‘Munich: The Edge of War’ was also recorded in Dresden, the capital of Saxony. The city is situated on the banks of the Elbe River and has historically been the home of past royal families. Striezelmarkt is a prestigious Christmas market established every year in Dresden and one of the largest Christmas markets in Germany.
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